Translation and content creation for the French market

Consumers and business clients are more likely to engage with your content if it is available in their native language, but translation is only one part of the process which makes your marketing and digital content sound local.

Bonjour !

My name is Gaële Gagné
and I am a French translator and copywriter.

With Trëma Lingua, I put my writing, marketing and cross-cultural communication skills at your service to make your words and message resonate with your local audience.

Custom range of language services

You want to market your products or services in France,
but don’t know your baguette from your beret?

Let's work on that.

Happy clients

Translate, adapt or create
your content in French

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Get results by increasing traffic, leads and revenue
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Access in-country language and marketing expertise

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Showcase your brand
with confidence

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